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NCUT jointly promotes the country's first "New Taipei Green Collar Talent Cultivation Program" in three major areas to build a net-zero future

NCUT jointly promotes the country's first "New Taipei Green Collar Talent Cultivation Program" in three major areas to build a net-zero future

NCUT jointly promotes the country's first "New Taipei Green Collar Talent Cultivation Program" in three major areas to build a net-zero future

       〔稿源:2024-04-15 / 1111產經新聞網〕

       The New Taipei City Education Bureau recently held a press conference to introduce the nation's pioneering "New Taipei City Green Collar Talent Cultivation Program." This initiative is a collaborative effort involving the Environmental Protection Bureau, the Economic Development Bureau, the National Chin-Yi University of Technology, St. John's University, the Green Energy Industry Alliance, and other industry, government, and academic organizations. Together, they aim to pool resources and foster green-collar talent, driving New Taipei City towards its goal of becoming a net-zero city.

       Vice Mayor Liu, He-Ran announced that the program, slated to run from 2024 to 2030, will receive an investment of NT$30 million. This funding will be allocated to the phased implementation of talent cultivation in three key areas: "green literacy, green science, and green skills." The overarching objective is to establish a conducive learning environment that nurtures green-collar professionals capable of supporting New Taipei City's net-zero ambitions. Through this initiative, the city aspires to create a sustainable and environmentally conscious society for future generations.

       During the press conference, Vice Mayor Liu Heran awarded certificates to the first six technical and vocational green-collar seed teachers in the country, recognizing their significant contributions and leadership in the field of green education. These seed teachers are entrusted with the important task of integrating green-collar literacy into school curricula and nurturing the next generation of green professionals. Their efforts will play a pivotal role in advancing environmental education and fostering sustainability.

       The event also featured a carbon-reduction cooking demonstration by catering students Shi Quanfeng and Zhuang Junwei from Ku Pao Economics & Commercial High School. This demonstration not only promotes sustainable living practices but also symbolizes New Taipei City's commitment to innovation and progress in cultivating green-collar talents.

       Chen, Hao-Ran, principal of Jhangshu International Creative Technical High School, highlighted the school's collaboration with the NCUT Carbon Neutrality Center. Together, they have conducted the country's first carbon inventory for a technical high school. Additionally, the school has partnered with St. John's University and Taiwan Normal University to develop specialized green-collar literacy lesson plans. These initiatives, encompassing practical and theoretical aspects, aim to deepen students' understanding of green energy and sustainable development. Through diverse learning channels such as special projects, industrial internships, and international exchanges, the school endeavors to create a comprehensive green-collar ecosystem, nurturing students to become environmentally conscious and skilled professionals.

       NCUT President Chen, Wen-Yuan expressed his conviction that the school and the New Taipei City Government share a firm commitment to cultivating green-collar talents. In line with this vision, the university pledges to support high-tech students by organizing summer camps, arranging expert lectures for teachers, and assisting in the review of high-tech green-collar material lesson plans. Through these initiatives, NCUT aims to comprehensively promote the fundamental principles of green sustainability, using innovative approaches such as hen raising chicks as educational tools. Additionally, the university hopes that this collaboration will provide high-tech teachers and students with valuable insights into future employment trends, enhancing their preparedness for the evolving job market.


       Website link:全國首創「新北綠領人才培育計畫」三大領域共築淨零未來

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