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【Notice】NCUT actively cooperates with government policies to build a smoke-free campus and protects the health of all faculty and students

【Notice】NCUT actively cooperates with government policies to build a smoke-free campus and protects the health of all faculty and students

【Notice】NCUT actively cooperates with government policies to build a smoke-free campus and protects the health of all faculty and students

       〔Number:1130054203 / NCUT〕

       The Legislative Yuan passed the amendment to the "Smoking Harm Prevention Law" on the third reading on January 12, 2023. The amendment includes provisions for a complete ban on smoking in colleges and universities, raising the smoking ban age to 20 years old, and other regulations. It is expected to be officially implemented from March 2023.

       The Ministry of Education convened a meeting of all colleges and universities on February 10, 2023, to confirm the policy of a comprehensive ban on smoking in colleges and universities nationwide. Additionally, NCUT held a "Abolition of Smoking in Response to the Revision of the Tobacco Harm Prevention Law" District Meeting on February 15, 2023. It was decided that smoking would be banned from the beginning of the second semester of the 2022 school year, and the smoking area on campus would be abolished. Relevant penalties would be imposed on students found violating the regulations.

       In addition to adhering to the Ministry of Education's smoke-free campus policy, NCUT also complies with local regulations to establish a smoke-free campus, aiming to safeguard students' health.

       To reiterate:

       1.Smoking is strictly prohibited in colleges and universities, including the use of e-cigarettes. Smoking is not permitted anywhere on campus. Violators will face fines ranging from NT$2,000 to NT$10,000. Key areas of inspection include campus entrances, restrooms, stairwells, and other common areas to ensure no smoking and no discarded cigarette butts.

       2.The campus must prominently display no-smoking signs at entrances, and smoking-related items are prohibited on campus. Failure to display clear no-smoking signs at entrances or to eliminate smoking-related items on campus will result in fines ranging from NT$10,000 to NT$50,000 for the responsible party, with a stipulated time frame for corrective action. Failure to comply within the specified time frame will result in further penalties. Key areas of inspection include offices, including staff offices of various departments (e.g., faculty research rooms and guard booths), where the installation of smoking-related equipment such as ashtrays or cigarette extinguishing devices is strictly prohibited.


       Website link:NCUT actively cooperates with government policies to build a smoke-free campus and protects the health of all faculty and students


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