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NCUT jointly organized a food and agriculture education package tour in Shinshe, Taichung City, attracting 300 New Taipei primary school students to experience it

NCUT jointly organized a food and agriculture education package tour in Shinshe, Taichung City, attracting 300 New Taipei primary school students to experience it

NCUT jointly organized a food and agriculture education package tour in Shinshe, Taichung City, attracting 300 New Taipei primary school students to experience it

       〔稿源:2024-05-07 / 台中市政府新聞〕

       The Agricultural Bureau of the Taichung City Government and the Shinshe Farmers Association collaborated to provide support for the Caitengkeng and Malipu Recreational Agricultural Zones. They organized the "Shinshe Studying and Learning Youth Reunion," which took place on May 7 at the Shinshe Paper Windmill. This package tour attracted 300 fifth-grade elementary school students from New Taipei City to the Paper Windmill Plaza, where they participated in food farming education and DIY experience activities. The event aimed to convey the concept of food farming education, from the origin to the table, using locally sourced fruits and vegetables. Friends of all ages were welcome to join in the exploration of Xinshe's agricultural landscape.

       The Taichung City Government's Agricultural Bureau highlighted that the Shinshe area boasts a unique climate and terrain, resulting in high-quality agricultural products such as shiitake mushrooms, loquats, grapes, citrus fruits, and oncidium orchids, which are renowned for their excellence. Within the leisure agricultural area, there are attractions imbued with rich humanistic and historical significance, including painted trails, Shuiwei Sacred Trees, Bailenzhen, and the Water Park. Through the guidance of tour guides, visitors can gain a profound understanding of the area's historical and cultural customs.

       Participating students have the opportunity to comprehend the journey of food from production to table, delve into local agriculture and food culture, and contribute to the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 12 (SDG12) by promoting a green economy and sustainable consumption practices. This initiative aims to create innovative agricultural tourism experiences, enriching visitors' experiences while fostering environmental sustainability and economic growth in the region.

       The Shinshe Community Farmers Association highlights the diverse features of the region throughout the year. It boasts unique attractions and various agricultural specialties such as flowers and mushrooms, which offer delightful experiences for visitors. Often referred to as the "Provence of Taichung City,"Shinshe has integrated its agriculture and leisure tourism industries, offering a range of experiential activities including flower viewing, fruit picking, DIY projects, and cultural exploration.

       In recent years, the association has curated exclusive four-season itineraries that allow visitors to indulge in fresh fruits and vegetables, admire the beautiful flower seasons, or explore hidden scenic spots. These itineraries promise a delightful, delicious, and enjoyable tour for all. The Shinshe Community Farmers Association extends a warm invitation to everyone to come and experience the beauty and charm of Shinshe together.


       Website link:中市新社食農教育套裝遊程登場 300新北小學生同遊體驗

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