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SDGs in NCUT 勤益永續

SDGs in NCUT勤益永續

【SDGs in NCUT】Preface-Message form President

【SDGs in NCUT】Preface-Message form President

Message from the President

Cradle for Talent, Base for Technological Development

In 1987, the UN's World Commission for Environment and Development, also known as the Brundtland Commission, published "Our Common Future," outlining the path toward global sustainable development. In 1992, the UN's Rio Declaration at the Earth Summit introduced the concept of "Think Globally, Act Locally," urging nations to collaborate for human sustainable development. With the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals by the UN in 2015, a comprehensive guideline for global sustainable development was established, outlining a 2015-2030 action plan encompassing society, the environment, and the economy.

Focusing on "Our Common Future," we joined the Ministry of Education's Green University Model School Selection Plan in 2009. Alongside 12 other institutions, we were swiftly chosen as green models from a pool of 37 peers, making us the sole national university of technology to receive this recognition. On June 4, 2009, representatives from the 13 selected schools, including ours, convened at the Ministry of Education to sign the Talloires Declaration.

The school has developed as quality industrial university of technology that values practicality and innovation. Through strategic programs and funding support, we aim to cultivate talent with professional competence, humanistic literacy, social care, and an international perspective. We also target a green study environment that is sustainable, safe, friendly, healthy, environmentally conscious, peaceful, energy-efficient, refreshing and loving, and has a fundamental culture of sustainable development. On working outwards, we engage central policies and communities, industries, and local authorities to fulfill USR. NCUT is in the top 54 of UI GreenMetric World Universities and in the top 3 in Taiwan.

Thanks to the dedication of NCUT members and the unwavering encouragement and support from external partners, NCUT has emerged as a shining star in the realm of global higher education.

  • In the 2021 World GreenMetric University Evaluation, NCUT ranked 181st globally and 16th in Taiwan. The following year, in 2022, it experienced a significant leap to 68th in the world and 7th in Taiwan. Continuing this upward trajectory in 2023,We further improved its position to 54th globally and 3rd in Taiwan.
  • Remarkably, we has consistently secured a place among the top 100 international green energy universities for three consecutive years.
  • Top 451-500 in the QS Asia University Rankings 2023; World ranking 251-300 in the field of Electrical and Electronic Engineering; World ranking 301-350 in the field of Engineering.
  • Top 601-800 in THE University Impact Rankings 2023, THE Subject Ranking 801-1000 in the field of Electrical and Electronic Engineering; THE Subject Ranking 1001-1200 in the field of Engineering.
  • In the "2023 Companies' Favorite College Students Ranking" by Global Views Monthly, NCUT ranked the 20th position nationwide and stands proudly as the 6th-ranked national science and technology university.

In NCUT, we mold ourselves to the vision of our founder, “Education is nothing if not a role model” and “Take from society, give back to society”. Alongside the UN’s SDGs, we are devoted to the spirit of education and development of young talent. With continuous advancement and improvement, we have become the model of sustainable development in the field of higher education.


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