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Taichung City Education Bureau and NCUT organize AI parent-child learning camp for parents and children to experience the wonders of AI

Taichung City Education Bureau and NCUT organize AI parent-child learning camp for parents and children to experience the wonders of AI

Taichung City Education Bureau and NCUT organize AI parent-child learning camp for parents and children to experience the wonders of AI

       〔稿源:2024-02-01 / 觀傳媒〕

       The Taichung City Family Education Center, in collaboration with the National Chin-Yi University of Technology (NCUT), launched a two-day "AI Parent-Child Learning Camp" during the winter vacation. Within 24 hours of opening registration, this activity attracted nearly 200 parent-child registrations. Director of Education Jiang, Wei-Min and NCUT Principal Chen, Wen-Yuan also participated in the event to experience the wonders of AI artificial intelligence alongside parents and children.

       Director of Education Jiang, Wei-Min expressed that the purpose of organizing the AI parent-child learning camp was to promote parent-child technology education and integrate technology education into family life during the winter vacation. By leveraging university professional resources and partnering with NCUT, the Taichung City Family Education Center aimed to provide participating parents and children with an opportunity to explore artificial intelligence deeply and enjoy the joy of learning together. He expressed gratitude to NCUT for their support and emphasized the importance of cross-agency cooperation in building a livable city for everyone. Additionally, he highlighted the significance of enhancing parenting skills and fostering happy families through the empowerment and growth of parents and children.

       The Education Bureau elaborated that NCUT teachers have meticulously designed a series of AI technology courses for parents and children to learn together. These courses lead participants to experience virtual reality, explore technological creativity, analyze the working principles of AI learning, and then guide them into the practical application field of artificial intelligence programming. Additionally, the Taichung Municipal Family Education Center has prepared completion certificates for children who participated in the entire activity to encourage them to continue their studies diligently.

       Parents who took part in the activity shared their thoughts, expressing that AI is a global trend, and this activity serves as a valuable opportunity to bring parents and children closer together. They appreciated the chance to grow together in the learning process, deeming it a meaningful parent-child learning activity. For those interested in learning more about the courses or exciting activities offered by the Taichung City Family Education Center, they can search for "Taichung City Family Education Center" on Facebook or join the official Line friends group.


        Website link:中市教育局攜手勤益科大辦AI親子共學營 親子一同體驗AI奧妙

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