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NCUT jointly organized a food and agriculture education package tour in Shinshe, Taichung City, attracting 300 New Taipei primary school students to experience it

NCUT jointly organized a food and agriculture education package tour in Shinshe, Taichung City, attracting 300 New Taipei primary school students to experience it

       〔稿源:2024-05-07 / 台中市政府新聞〕

       The Agricultural Bureau of the Taichung City Government and the Shinshe Farmers Association collaborated to provide support for the Caitengkeng and Malipu Recreational Agricultural Zones. They organized the "Shinshe Studying and Learning Youth Reunion," which took place on May 7 at the Shinshe Paper Windmill. This package tour attracted 300 fifth-grade elementary school students from New Taipei City to the Paper Windmill Plaza, where they participated in food farming education and DIY experience activities. The event aimed to convey the concept of food farming education, from the origin to the table, using locally sourced fruits and vegetables. Friends of all ages were welcome to join in the exploration of Xinshe's agricultural landscape.

NCUT cooperates with Dajia Youth Industrial Park Service Center to promote industrial upgrading of the park and activate industrial development

NCUT cooperates with Dajia Youth Industrial Park Service Center to promote industrial upgrading of the park and activate industrial development

       〔稿源:2024-05-01 / 經濟日報〕

       Huang Zi-Yu, Director of Dajia Youth Industrial Park Service Center, kicked off the meeting and convened industry-government-university tripartite industry-university cooperation to promote industrial upgrading of the park and activate industrial development (NCUT cooperates with Dajia Youth Industrial Park Service Center)

NCUT actively cooperates with government policies to build a smoke-free campus and protects the health of all faculty and students

【Notice】NCUT actively cooperates with government policies to build a smoke-free campus and protects the health of all faculty and students

       〔Number:1130054203 / NCUT〕

       The Legislative Yuan passed the amendment to the "Smoking Harm Prevention Law" on the third reading on January 12, 2023. The amendment includes provisions for a complete ban on smoking in colleges and universities, raising the smoking ban age to 20 years old, and other regulations. It is expected to be officially implemented from March 2023.

NCUT co-organized the Forum on Climate Change and University Social Responsibility, and 11 universities in Central Taiwan initiated cooperation on

NCUT co-organized the Forum on Climate Change and University Social Responsibility, and 11 universities in Central Taiwan initiated cooperation on "Climate Change and Education"

       〔稿源:2024-04-29 / 中央社〕

       The "Central Taiwan University System" (M6) and the "Central District University Social Responsibility Program Inter-university Alliance" organized the "Climate Change and University Social Responsibility Forum" at the Shui-Nan Campus of China Medical University on April 25. They invited the Taichung City Government's Sustainable Development and Low-Carbon City Promotion Office, along with experts and scholars from 11 universities. The aim was to discuss how universities can facilitate positive changes in the environment and society through education, innovation, and community participation amidst the severe challenge of global warming. Additionally, they launched cooperation initiatives related to "Climate Change and Education."

NCUT held Gaia Day Summit Forum to focus on global cooling actions

NCUT held Gaia Day Summit Forum to focus on global cooling actions

       〔稿源:2024-04-23 / 中央社〕

       On April 22, World Earth Day, National Chin-Yi University of Technology (NCUT) hosted a Gaia Day Summit Forum to delve into the global cooling action commitments advocated by the United Nations' 28th Climate Summit (COP 28). This forum convened experts and scholars from diverse fields to explore topics such as carbon emission reduction, mitigating the urban heat island effect, energy balance planning, legal incentives, creating healthy and safe built environments, and promoting energy conservation in agriculture and animal husbandry.